From Coffee to Comfort: German Expat Finds Ideal Life in Rural Ningbo

◀Frank is making coffee.

▲Bamboo Coffee Roasters.

Depart from Cicheng Ancient Town in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, and embark on your journey towards Mao’ao Village. As you bypass the Maoli reservoir, you’ll come upon a classic brick house nestled amidst the sea of blooming Galsang flowers. This charming spot is home to the “Bamboo Coffee Roasters”.

从慈城古县城出发,循着毛岙村毛力自然村的方向,再绕过毛力水库,在一片开得正盛的格桑花海边,就能看到一幢古朴的砖瓦民居,这便是Bamboo Coffee Roasters(以下简称毛竹咖啡)。

Two years ago, Frank, a German son-in-law, arrived in this village, the hometown of his wife.


The village, surrounded by lush mountains and lucid waters, boasts narrow intertwining paths, bamboo groves, and seas of flowers. “It’s unique,” Frank remarked that he fell in love with the place at first glance. Last year, when his daughter was born, Frank decided to leave his well-paying job to start a business here, allowing him to spend more time with his growing child.

青山绿水环绕,羊肠小道交错,不经意间就会“邂逅”竹林花海,“It’s unique(这里很独特)”,Frank告诉记者,自己一眼就爱上了这里。去年,他们的小女儿出生,为了有更多的时间陪伴孩子的成长,Frank放弃了高薪工作,选择来到毛力创业。

“After having selected the location, we spent an entire year refurbishing this house”, Frank’s wife Niuniu said. “Frank wanted to preserve the old house’s unique charm and restore it to its ‘original state’.”


“We’ve preserved nearly everything, from the external façade to the roof, except for the bluestone slabs at the bar, which were too damaged to keep. The local officials have been very supportive of our renovation, even helping us source old bricks from demolished ancient houses.”


The logo of Bamboo Coffee Roasters was designed by Frank himself.


During his daily morning runs, Frank enjoys using his phone to capture the picturesque beauty of the village, especially the extensive bamboo groves, which he finds particularly enchanting. Inspired by these scenes, Frank extracted patterns from his photos, simplified them into elemental forms, and created the striking bamboo logo. The name of the coffee shop also draws inspiration from these scenic views.


In mid-June this year, Bamboo Coffee Roasters finally began its business after much anticipation.


Through simple word-of-mouth alone, the coffee shop attracted numerous tourists within just half a month. Many visitors would spend entire days there without even realizing it, fulfilling Frank’s vision of providing a retreat from the hustle and bustle where people could savor a cup of coffee crafted by his own hands.


A cup of fragrant coffee, a piece of hand-made cake, and a window to lay beside and listen to the rain—this is the kind of lifestyle that Frank aims to create.


Bamboo Coffee is the first coffee shop in the village, where a couple of local elders often drop in to enjoy a coffee and chat with old friends.


Notably, on the shop’s shelves are displayed a variety of hand-made orange jams and bayberry wine. “We make these ourselves using agricultural products from the village,” added Niuniu. “Frank noticed the elderly in the village carrying baskets of fruit to sell and decided to help by buying some from them.”


Journalist: Chen Jiesheng

Correspondents: Zhuo Xuan,

Yang Zhi, An Ran, Xu Feng

Translators: Pan Wenjie,

Xie Nong (intern)

Proofreaders: Zhang Dongjing,

Fan Naxi, Jason Mowbray

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