Ningbo Symphony Orchestra Resonates in Europe

Ningbo Symphony Orchestra during tour.

Spectators engaged in the performance.

On August 3rd, the European tour of Ningbo Symphony Orchestra concluded triumphantly.


The orchestra traveled successively to Italy, Slovenia, and Austria from July 25th to August 3rd, delivering a series of musical feasts. This European tour was made under warm invitations from the Emilia Romagna Festival in Italy, the Ljubljana Festival in Slovenia, Carinthia Friends in Austria, and the China Musicians Association of Austria. Under the baton of Chinese conductor Yu Ji, the orchestra facilitated profound cultural exchange and mutual learning between China and Foreign countries. Through five performances blending Eastern and Western, as well as ancient and modern elements, a communication bridge was forged by connecting Ningbo with the world.


According to Lu Xiangjuan, deputy director of the orchestra, the repertoire for this tour was meticulously curated, blending classical masterpieces from global traditions with exceptional Chinese traditional music. “Through this platform, we aspire to showcase Ningbo’s cultural narrative through music, promoting closer and more harmonious cultural exchanges among people from diverse backgrounds,” Lu remarked.


This year coincided with the 700th anniversary of the passing of Marco Polo ― a famous Italian adventurer. To commemorate the great adventurer, this Ningbo-based “cultural ambassador” specially selected Marco Polo composed by Ennio Morricone for performance.


In Italy and Slovenia, the orchestra also performed works such as Mendelssohn's Symphony No. 4 in A major and Tan Dun's Pipa Concerto. At three special concerts in Austria, they performed Beethoven's classic masterpiece, Symphony No. 7.


The performances have received high recognition from overseas audiences. Many veteran music fans in Italy described the concert at Teatro Diego Fabbri of Forlì as highly innovative with remarkably talented and youthful musicians. In Slovenia, admiration can be found in an excited audience’s exclamations, “It’s incredibly innovative and impressive! The pipa, an instrument I’ve only heard in the background music of Chinese restaurants, was amazing in this piece. It was so cool, just like rock music.”

演出收获了海外观众的高度肯定。意大利当地不少资深乐迷在接受采访时表示:“这是一场非常有新意的音乐会,音乐家们都很年轻,很出色,今晚非常成功。” 在斯洛文尼亚演出时,有位观众激动地赞叹道:“非常新颖,非常棒!这个新奇的乐器琵琶原来只在中国餐厅的背景音乐里听到过,这个作品非常的酷,就好像摇滚乐一样,很震撼!”

Chinese Ambassador to Slovenia Wang Shunqing remarked after attending the concert, “Ningbo Symphony Orchestra’s performance in Slovenia featured both classical masterpieces from around the world and outstanding Chinese traditional music, presenting a harmonious blend of East and West. This cultural feast not only enriched the festival’s program but also added new highlights to cultural exchanges between our two countries. Through music, a universal language, the concert promoted mutual learning between Chinese and European civilizations, strengthened emotional bonds between the peoples of China and Slovenia, and contributed to advancing the global civilization initiative and building a community with a shared future for humanity.”


In recent years, Ningbo has actively advocated its cultural charm on the global stage to showcase its rich cultural heritage and strong urban comprehensive strength. The Ningbo Symphony Orchestra has been participating in international cultural exchange activities since its establishment in December 2015, performing in countries such as South Korea, Bulgaria, Poland, and Italy. This young orchestra has emerged as a prestigious symbol of Ningbo’s urban culture.


Journalist: Shi Daiwei

Correspondent: Bi Qiuying

Translators: Xie Nong (intern),

Pan Wenjie

Proofreaders: Zhang Dongjing,

Huang Dawang, Fan Naxi,

Jason Mowbray

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