New Opportunities Open Up as Visa-Free Entry Is Extended to Australia and New Zealand

Australian Wine Merchants at Vinexpo Asia in Hong Kong, May 2024 (Credit: Wang Hua)

On June 17, China announced the inclusion of Australia on the list of unilateral visa-free countries. Prior to this, New Zealand was added on June 13.


The two South Pacific nations share close economic and cultural ties with Ningbo in east China, and the recent visa-free policy is believed to benefit trade, tourism, education, and other industries (e.g., enabling convenient travelling to China on short notice). This change is expected to bring more opportunities to Ningbo, a coastal city known for its open economy.


“This news is really exciting! Waves of excitement seized our sales team in Australia as we immediately shared the announcement. They exclaimed ‘Oh my goodness!’ while hurriedly spreading the word to our clients,” said Zheng Qiu (pseudonym) — a practitioner engaged in the export of daily necessities in Ningbo — during an interview on June 17. The news of China granting unilateral visa-free entry to Australia has sparked great enthusiasm among Zheng and his colleagues.

“这可真是个好消息!我们一听说免签,就立马把喜讯转给澳洲的销售团队。他们也非常激动,一边感叹‘Oh my goodness!’,一边向客户奔走相告。”6月17日,在宁波从事日用品出口的郑秋(化名)告诉记者,中国将对澳大利亚单方面免签的消息,令他和同事们“喜大普奔”。

Zheng’s delight lies in the fact that his company primarily serves the Australian market, catering to several major supermarket chains across the country. He expects a significant increase in visits from Australian clients this year. “Upon hearing this news, they were ecstatic and mentioned that while they used to visit once a year, now they can come whenever they want.”


Australia, a member of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), is a crucial trading partner for Ningbo. In the first five months of this year alone, the imports and exports to Australia handled by Ningbo port amounted to 34.91 billion RMB yuan, marking a substantial year-on-year increase of 26.9%.


These two Oceanian nations are renowned for their high-quality consumer goods. In addition to export traders, Ningbo hosts a thriving community of importers specializing in products such as wine and beef from both countries. The combination of visa-free access and increasingly favorable tariffs has bolstered their confidence in expanding the range of Australian imports.


“Australian wine has been beloved by consumers for its rich, sweet flavors, thus holding a significant market share in China,” noted Wang Hua, General Manager of Seekvinum International Wine (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd. In the eyes of Wang, the visa-free policy will significantly enhance Australian wine’s presence in the Chinese market. “This year, our partners from France and Italy and other countries and regions have already enjoyed the benefits of visa-free entry and joined around 150 promotional events across China. Looking ahead, Australian winemakers will have easier access to seeking new business opportunities in China.”


The benefits of visa-free access extend beyond goods trade to cultural exchange, education, and tourism. As a result, Ningbo has already witnessed substantial cooperation in service trade and cultural endeavors with Australia and New Zealand.


Wētā Workshop — the New Zealand-based creative studio — serves as a prime example. Celebrated for its contributions to global cinematic masterpieces including “The Lord of the Rings”, it has forged a pivotal partnership with Ningbo-based listed company Dafeng Industrial. With joint efforts, they have crafted Aura: The Forest at the Edge of the Sky — a themed installation located at the heart of the Haikou International Duty-Free City Shopping Complex (aka. CDF Mall) — to enhance commercial settings with digital art. Their collaboration exemplifies the mutual benefits of Sino-New Zealand cooperation in service trade.


“Australia and New Zealand have their unique strengths. The former not only boasts several world-renowned universities but complements Ningbo’s industrial strengths in sectors covering life sciences, marine biology, advanced manufacturing, and international trade. Meanwhile, the latter excels in film production and software technology,” highlighted Miao Jing, President of Ningbo Yinzhou District Association of Trade in Services. Her firm has provided digital marketing and consulting services to esteemed institutions such as the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia and the University of Auckland in New Zealand. Miao is optimistic that visa-free access will accelerate the attraction, negotiation, and execution of projects from both Australia and New Zealand, thereby fostering greater opportunities for service trade enterprises through intensified bilateral exchanges.


Journalist: Yan Jin

Translator: Pan Wenjie

Proofreaders: Fan Yeping,

Huang Dawang, Jason Mowbray

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