Join Us! TICC Ignites Global ‘#BookChallenge’ Craze!

‘#BookChallenge’ contributions.

In the tapestry of Chinese culture, reading serves an eternal lamp illuminating the path forward while kindling broader education and deeper wisdom.


In response to the buzzing reading atmosphere in Ningbo, Tangyuan International Communication Center (TICC) of Ningbo Daily Group started an international reading initiative ‘#BookChallenge’ running from May 20 till June 30. Focusing on classic literary works from both China and abroad, the event encourages diverse entries, including parent-child reading sessions, book recommendations, story sharing, and more. Catalyzed by multi-media posts on international and domestic platforms, such as “Ningbo Today” (on Facebook, X - formerly known as Twitter - and Instagram), and “Tangyuan International” (on WeChat Video Channel), this book salon aims to attract reading enthusiasts from around the world and offers a rich, multilingual cultural feast suitable for different ages and cultural backgrounds.

5月20日至6月30日,宁波日报报业集团汤圆国际传播中心携手宁波市全民阅读活动“我陪孩子读经典”,面向全球发起#BookChallenge阅读挑战。以中外经典文学作品为纽带,活动通过亲子领读、好书推荐、故事分享等形式,通过脸书(Facebook)、推特(X)、照片墙(Instagram)“Ningbo Today”账号,以及微信视频号“汤圆国际”等国际国内渠道发布视频图文,集结海内外阅读爱好者,为全球网友献上一场内容丰富、语种多样、老少皆宜的文化盛宴。

Since its launch, ‘#BookChallenge’ has garnered a substantial worldwide following. Earlier contributions were creative and diverse, featuring presentations from Ningbo locals and international families. With a simple scroll through “Ningbo Today” or “Tangyuan International”, you can enjoy the elegant recital of “Prelude to Water Melody” by Ningbo girls, the warm scene of an American expat family reading Emerson together, and the humorous moment a bilingual child teaches her father to recite a classic Chinese poem from Li Bai (a prominent Chinese poet; 701-762). Capturing the poetic nature of Ningbo people and the colorful moments of international friends, ‘#BookChallenge’ represents not only a reading gala but a wondrous cultural journey.

#BookChallenge自启动以来,便在全球各地吸引了一大波粉丝关注。各类投稿作品创意迭起,既有“阿拉”小朋友的精彩呈现,也有“歪果仁”家庭的热情参与。在“Ningbo Today”海外账号和“汤圆国际”视频号界面,只需轻轻滑动,就能欣赏“宁波小娘”深情朗诵《水调歌头》的优雅风采、美国书香门第的一家三口共读爱默生文集的温馨画面,还有中英混血小朋友一丝不苟地教爸爸朗诵“举头望明月,低头思故乡”的爆笑内容。从诗意盎然的江南水乡读到风情万种的异国远方,#BookChallenge不仅是一场阅读盛会,更是一次奇妙的文化之旅。

In the ambiance of Children’s Day 2024, a day brimming with purity and joy, TICC warmly invites “reading enthusiasts, young and old” from around the world to join us in ‘#BookChallenge’. Come and feel both the fusion and resonance of different cultures and languages!


We encourage videos regarding book recommendations, interpretations of classic quotes, poetry recitations, and particularly creative videos such as short drama performances and song adaptations from poems. Moreover, we eagerly anticipate language talents from various regions and countries showcasing their prowess by reciting classic Chinese passages, or in translated versions of English, French, Russian, Japanese, Korean, and other languages. Outstanding contributions will be posted on “Tangyuan International” and “Ningbo Today”, with the chance to be shared and liked by major media outlets, embassies, consulates, and international influencers!

我们期待您拍摄读物推介、金句解读、诗歌朗诵等精彩视频,更鼓励您尝试短剧演绎、诗歌唱作等创新形式。同时,我们也热切盼望各地的“语言达人”们大显身手,挑战用中、英、法、俄、日、韩等多国语言演绎中文经典段落,将中文佳作推向全球舞台。优秀作品将通过“汤圆国际”、“Ningbo Today”等海内外账号发布,有机会被各大媒体机构、使馆领事、海外大V等转发点赞!

The call for submissions to ‘#BookChallenge’ is valid until June 30. Join us and submit your entries to!


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